OpenGL offscreen rendering example

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offscreen_render combines several tools already present on the developer's toolbox into a single example of how to render an opengl image to a file, in this case in sgi image file format.

offscreen.sgi is an SGI imagelib image file and can be viewed with ipaste.
offscreen.sgi can be converted to a postscript file using the TOPS(6D) utility (the tops man page lives in the subsystem, and, of course, its source can be found in toolbox/src/haeberli/imgtools/tops.c).

Ann LaGrone, 1994

Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire render2pixmap directory.

Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.